Partnering with Schools

Whether through an internship program or participating in a college job fair, building relationships with schools and students can help grow your workforce. To connect with programs in your area check out these ready-to-use tools:

Outreach to Nearby Sites

  1. Take a look at these lists of Northern California and Southern California schools with relevant programs (business, hospitality, nursing, culinary, gerontology, etc.) to find contacts in your region.
  2. When calling nearby program sites, use these talking points.
  3. Use these fact sheets to demonstrate opportunities for individuals with these backgrounds or degrees:
  4. Business Hospitality
    Culinary Nursing
    Gerontology Recreational Therapy
    Healthcare Administration Social Sciences
  5. Have the chance to visit a class or made a great connection? Let us know and we’ll provide you with flyers and other helpful materials.

Offering Internships

  1. Interested in hosting interns at your community, but aren’t sure what it entails? Check out The Ins & Outs of Offering Internships.
  2. Review this checklist regarding unpaid interns.
  3. Download and modify this sample application, as needed.
  4. Ready to connect with partnering schools or institutions? Here’s a website you might find helpful.

Calling All Students!

Take a look at these tools and resources to help you explore career opportunities best suited to your skills.

  1. Use this Degree-Based Map to learn about positions suited to a variety of degrees.
  2. As an alternative, this Interest-Based Map helps individuals explore positions based on what they enjoy or are skilled at doing.

Hear from Senior Living Professionals

  1. Hear why these young professionals from a variety of backgrounds were drawn to working in senior living.
  2. Senior living offers great potential to fuel a passion, apply a variety of skills, and grow from there. Lindsey’s story is just one example, among many.
  3. Natasha’s story is a great example of how someone with a seemingly unrelated background found her way into Senior Living and advanced quickly from there.
  4. Learn how Radhika Singh advanced from dining room server to executive director in just six years.
  5. Find out what led three-time Food Network winner Chef Rina to a rewarding career in Senior Living.